Friday, November 7, 2008

Week Seven – Is it right for me to try to convince someone of my beliefs?

(Sorry for the late post, folks. It has been a crazy week here at the House of Maher. This week is especially relevant now with the "Friends for Life" program that COA is doing!)

The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose.

-C. S. Lewis

We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding.

-Billy Graham

There is no better evangelist in the world than the Holy Spirit.

-Dwight L. Moody

For many people today, “tolerance” no longer means merely a “live and let live” attitude. Rather, it requires an affirmative acceptance of other positions or beliefs as equally valid, or equally good, as the views you hold. How does this square with the basic tenants of Christianity? If Christians are called to spread the gospel, how do we do that effectively in the world today?

Possible readings:

Michael Craven, Drive-by Evangelism, or Missional Rescue Force?,

Rusty Wright, Advocacy Apologetics: Finding Common Ground,

Michael Brown and Becky Hill, Finding Motivation to Tell Others About Jesus,

Bill Hybels, JUST WALK ACROSS THE ROOM, Chap. 1 – The Ultimate Walk Across a Room

Rick Warren, THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, Day 36 – Made For a Mission

Paul Copan, True For You, But Not For Me, Chap 6 – What Right Do You Have to Convert Others to Your Views?